Welcome to 2022!
Website updates
Lyrics translations have been added to the following albums and songs:
With this update, every original song has been translated*! Now, where is the 3rd major album…
*yeah, yeah I know, Tanjou is still untranslated, and there are also some rhythm game songs lacking lyrics… (I’m planning to eventually try to do some PapComp stuff, but only once I’ll be entirely done with the main vocal library. For those rhythm game songs, well, if you have the GITADORA NEX+AGE OST or the pop’n music peace OST, contact me. I can’t do anything for songs that don’t have any CD release or official lyrics sources ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Hyakumannin no Heikou Hifuu
BUTAOTOME’s Comiket 99 release is now available to purchase on their BOOTH. It’s only available there, not on Melonbooks and other stores. My copy will arrive in America because yay for shipment blocks! As soon as I get the EP, I’ll start working on it.
Konnichiwa Byebye
A new song has been added yesterday to Chrono Circle, the new arcade rhythm game by Andamiro. Title is Konnichiwa Byebye (コンニチハ・バイバイ). It features a very cute jacket art and an in-game video by Korean artist Damhongre!
Aaaaand that’s all for this week!