Let’s start with personal and website news: I will move out to a new home in September! I will probably take a couple of weeks of half-break during that month.
In the meantime, the quest of translating every single BUTAOTOME album and song* is slowly reaching its end… and we are at the beginning! Touhou Kaiten Mokuba has been fully translated~
Also, do you like that new random button on the sidebar? Credits to NC (with a bit of help from deagle for the implementation) for creating it, inspired by Shiro’s random Touhou song!
Now, let’s move on Pig stuff…
Comiket 100
It’s that time of the year again, and Comiket finally reached the big 100! (it could have happened last year, but that’s another story from the covid-less timeline).

BUTAOTOME will have a space on Sunday, August 14 (東シ41b). A new release is of course planned, and we might get something special to celebrate the big 100!
BOOTH updates
Yuuma’s acrylic stand (the new merch that was sold at last Sunday’s Meikasai) is available to purchase on BUTAOTOME’s BOOTH. But that’s not the only update! The first two Nekokenbans have been restocked! If you are still missing them, don’t miss this chance!
Fabulous PV
Surprise surprise, a PV for Daifugou’s first track has been uploaded.
This was something Ane wanted to make ever since the song was created, and now she finally did it! Full lyrics and translation are here.
Other news
Ane got commissioned on Skeb to make an artwork for Moonstone!
The vocal version of Rockin Pink Monster is available to play on Ongeki!
And that’s all for this week! See you on Sunday with the long-awaited Juushin review!