One Week BUTAOTOME 219: original albums on streaming services!

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Website updates

I’ve updated the upcoming content page… and that’s all. Still focusing on Ranko’s birthday post… I originally wanted to publish the Best review on my birthday, but plans have changed…!


The most important news of the month is that the original albums are finally available on streaming services! There are available on Spotify and various other services. You can find a full index on BUTAOTOME’s TuneCore page. Go give them love!
(needless to say, Bowling doesn’t have Sharekoube and Panorama… but you can just use the re-recordings from the major albums)

The Delicate tour started last weekend in Osaka! The setlist is here. Next: Niigata!

Ane made a part of her old everyday life manga available for free on Amazon kindle!
(one day I’ll stop being lazy about the editing part and translate more of it…)

And that’s all for today! See you on Monday with Ranko’s birthday post!