Delicate Tour in Niigata – setlist

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Happy birthday to Ranko! (source)

The live has just ended! Special thanks to Ark Lucifead for posting the setlist, as usual!

This setlist is identical to the Osaka one except for the fourth song.

  1. Kyouen
  2. Circus
  3. Fabulous
  4. Itami Honpo
  5. Machibito wa Kozu.
  6. Nawatobi
  7. Mesen
  8. Kokochiyosa ni Shine
  9. Momoiro Fivestar
  10. Usotsuki
  11. Gensou no Satellite
  12. ekadanpi
  13. Tiramisu Cowboy
  14. Soldi
  15. Saru
  16. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
  17. Delicate
  18. Yumezakura