Better late than never, I guess! This review will have a format similar to the one I used for my scrapped Ura Best review. Beyond Touhou Touhou is not everything that revolves around the doujin world. Or the world in general. We are all humans, and our interests shift over time. Of course, sometimes they just remain the same. In… Read more »
Taking a break from the end-of-the-year review to write this! I will also include a couple of translated bits from the latest Ane post. Let’s start with Houkiboshi, the new Touhou album! Snow… Japan and snow… I thought about what makes the most coherent and strong impression on me.My greatest impression of “snow” is Kenji Miyazawa’s “The Morning of Last… Read more »
Comiket 101’s Touhou day will be on December 31, and BUTAOTOME will bring two new releases to their space 西あ22a! The first is the usual Touhou vocal album: Houkiboshi (彗, comet). It features 8 tracks, including the songs from the Hakuma EP and two re-arranges! The second is the Original Best of called… Best (ベスト). A meaty selection of 17… Read more »