Comiket 101’s Touhou day will be on December 31, and BUTAOTOME will bring two new releases to their space 西あ22a!
The first is the usual Touhou vocal album: Houkiboshi (彗, comet). It features 8 tracks, including the songs from the Hakuma EP and two re-arranges!

- 我武者羅 | Gamushara [Kooritsuita Eien no Miyako]
- 邁進恒例 | Maishin Kourei [Ame-no-Torifune Jinja]
- howlなよ | howlnayo [Kodoku na Werewolf]
- 月のかけら | Tsuki no Kakera [Nanatsuishi no Ookami, Kumo wo Tori ni Kakeru]
- アジテーター | Agitator [Haruka 38man Kilo no Voyage]
- 白魔 | Hakuma [Gensou no White Traveler]
- スリープジャンキー(彗 ver.) | Sleep Junkie (Houkiboshi ver.) [Sleep Sheep Parade]
- 桃色ファイブスター(彗 ver.) | Momoiro Fivestar (Houkiboshi ver.) [Tenkuu no Hana no Miyako]

The second is the Original Best of called… Best (ベスト). A meaty selection of 17 tracks, including one new song!
- Flight on deep time
- サーカス | Circus
- 指しゃぶり | Yubi Shaburi
- ファッション中二病 | Fashion Chuunibyou
- 毎日 | Mainichi
- くだらない日々 | Kudaranai Hibi
- 心地よさに死ね | Kokochiyosa ni Shine
- 痛み本舗 | Itami Honpo
- さる | Saru
- ティラミス・カウボーイ | Tiramisu Cowboy
- 盲目的感想文 | Moumokuteki Kansoubun
- もういいよ | Mou ii yo
- 猥雑イデオロギー | Waizatsu Ideology
- 体感ローリング | Taikan Rolling
- キラワレ | Kiraware
- 夢桜 | Yumezakura
- デリケート | Delicate
The official website is here. Both releases are available to pre-order on BUTAOTOME’s BOOTH and doujin shops such as MelonBooks and Toranoana.
There are also exclusive freebies if you buy them at the Comiket event: a glasses cloth with Houkiboshi’s cover, and a sticker with the new original girl from Best’s cover.

Next year is the year of the rabbit, so to celebrate it we have some new Ane-themed goods! A set with an acrylic stand and stickers. It’s only available at the event and on the Pig’s BOOTH.
Besides Comiket stuff, we have a tour announcement! Live activities are back in full force (but still with Covid precautions)!!

Delicate tour, taking its name from the new original song!
February 12: Osaka Kitahorie club vijon
February 23: Niigata CLUB RIVERST
March 5: Nagoya Imaike GROW
March 21: Fukuoka Hakata Drum son
April 8: Tokyo Aoyama RizM
Tickets will start to be on sale on eplus starting from December 25 at 10:00 AM JST!
I’m going to hijack this announcement post with something found on the back cover of the original best:

It’s the usual “unauthorized reproduction is forbidden” message, but… do you see it? Yep, it’s our good old friend The Hyphen of Mass Destruction, back from the realm of the dead!
Tiramisu Cowboy has this policy that “Buta-Otome is an outdated spelling”, and we even make fun of people using the hyphen multiple times (with logo edits and April fools jokes dedicated solely to it). I admit that seeing the hyphen triggers me, especially when used in serious contexts (like “here is an in-depth review of the latest ButaHyphenOtome album”).
Official sources back in 2010 alternated between Buta-Otome and BUTAOTOME (with the no hyphen version being the most prevalent). The old official website on fc2 had the hyphen. Buta had just started, and standardization of romanization was the least of their worries (plus spelling inconsistencies are very common among small doujin circles).
Over time, they simply used the no hyphen spelling everywhere, but the hyphen still officially survived on the back cover of original albums (so its last official usage was on Doubt in 2014). However, it was just there, the albums still had the giant BUTAOTOME on every other part of the package.
So my take is that Ane copypasted the “unauthorized reproduction blabla” stuff from an old original back cover and forgot/didn’t bother to change it. It’s not that big of a deal… except for me.
Anyway, with the new album having the songs from the Hakuma EP, this not-ep-but-single will become obsolete. I don’t think it will get a digital distribution since the two main tracks are in a full album + off vocals are always fated to be forgotten, so I will treat it as a limited single/preview disc of sorts (think of those limited discs your favorite Touhou circles love to make). I have removed it from the main discography page and moved all its info to the Exclusive Media page. The two songs will also change their URL format (from hakuma/hakuma to houkiboshi/hakuma).