Tag Archives: comiket 93

Comiket 93 guest list

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This week is Comiket 93 and other than BUTAOTOME’s new albums we have a good bunch of guest stuff, all listed in this single post and to be released during the first day as well! Before starting, let me do a small observation: the times when Ranko had quite a few guest songs in other circles are a distant memory,… Read more »

Comiket 93 albums!

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Main page “These are our ballads from the back alley” Two tracks from Touhou 16, two remakes of old tracks. あやかし横丁 | Ayakashi YokochouWebsite 1. 目線 | Mesen [A Pair of Divine Beasts] 2. 美しい人 | Utsukushii Hito [Green-Eyed Jealousy] 3. 恋の病(路地裏ver) | Koi no Yamai (Rojiura ver) [The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place] 4. うたかた(路地裏ver) | Utakata (Rojiura ver)… Read more »