Happy birthday to Paprika! (2018)
Happy birthday to the best cat pianist around! Also the owner of my favourite Butaotome pet cat. I wish her another year full of funny comus and wonderful Nekokenban music! To celebrate, here is a crostata!
Happy birthday to the best cat pianist around! Also the owner of my favourite Butaotome pet cat. I wish her another year full of funny comus and wonderful Nekokenban music! To celebrate, here is a crostata!
Happy birthday to the best polar bear ever! You are my favourite Touhou arranger and one of my favourite music composers. Keep going for another year! And you’ll eternally get puns with compleanno, sorry. This time we have minestrone!
Happy birthday to Ranko! It’s been six years since I started to follow BUTAOTOME (or better, you lol), but you are still the voice of my heart! Another year of awesome songs and more good things! This is a dish I always loved since I was little, though it’s a bit expensive: penne with salmon!
Happy birthday to our favourite pink bunny who loves pasta! More awesome designs and crazy random dances! This time we have ravioli with mushroom sauce! (also, special thanks -again- to my mother and her bunnies collection) [man, the sign is unreadable… ;_; it says “auguri Sis!”, anyway]
Happy birthday to Paprika, our super cat pianist!This time we have focaccia with cheese (also known as focaccia di Recco)!
Happy birthday to our favourite polar bear bassist, composer etc.! (I love that pun, sorry…) This time we have another Ligurian dish: stuffed vegetables (zucchini)!
Happy birthday to Ranko! This time we have lasagne with pesto!
Happy birthday to The Sis! ❤Here is a rice cake, as we make it in my region!(also, special thanks to my mother and her bunnies collection)
Happy birthday to our favourite cat pianist! Continuing the tradition, here is another typical meal from my region: pansoti with walnut sauce!
Happy birthday to Comp!! This time we have tiramisu!