Comp and Livestream Problems’s adventures in Butagoya.

Comp has finished the mixing of the 2nd album and he is back from Fukuoka! Yesterday, BUTAOTOME members were busy with the filming of the music video. No backstage pictures have been posted, but they tweeted “We are filming!!11” at very late hours (2:00/6:00 AM). Maybe the MV will have a night setting? Anyway, I’m expecting news to pop up any time from now! (at least album title and tracklist)
New goods have been announced for the Kagaku Seiki no Cafe Terrace event! They are a glass + coaster set, with a logo for the Old Adam bar. For your drinks! They’ll be also sold on Melonbooks on a later date. The official website also offers a free download of the track Salon de Anonymous from Sachlich.
During the livestream, Comp also talked about the schedule for this month. He mentioned about the Kemono Friends event, but nothing has been said except for “new goods”. Anyway, this Friday BUTAOTOME will be in Osaka for “SPREADING FROM A FEW POINTS vol.2”, where they’ll play original songs and then on Sunday and Monday they’ll be in Kyoto for the Hifuu-only events.
Last Saturday, in occasion of Cirno’s day, IOSYS published the video of the 9th anniversary version of Cirno’s Perfect Math Class. You can watch it here. The song is also starting to appear in various music games, here are the release dates:
Already available: Taiko no Tatsujin
Tomorrow: Synchronica
Day after tomorrow: Sound Voltex
17th October: maimai
19th October: Chunithm
Unknown: Groove Coaster
Also, BUTAOTOME will be among the many artists who will play on the final celebrative live dedicated to this hyper popular Touhou arrange, on the 14th of October at Shibuya’s Club Asia.
That’s all for this week, see you tonight with the long awaited CHILD HOOD’S END review!

TC Crew Theater 11