This week is Comiket 93 and other than BUTAOTOME’s new albums we have a good bunch of guest stuff, all listed in this single post and to be released during the first day as well!
Before starting, let me do a small observation: the times when Ranko had quite a few guest songs in other circles are a distant memory, for multiple possible reasons: her being more busy with real life, other circles preferring to call other vocalists and also the inactivity of certain projects (Sally) where she was a staple vocalist. If you check her guest stuff page, accessible from the bottom of the discography, you can notice she sang one single song (two if we count Yukemuri Tamaonsen, but that’s a true mystery). But in all honesty, I love Zero so much and I rather have one single song like that per year over 10 Mirai Yohous meh tracks. Quality over quantity!
This post will be updated in case we’ll get last minute announcements. Youtube XFDs are timestamped to the Buta track.
MelonBooks ShopBGM Compilations:002 – SenS[e]tick – | Melonbooks /// XFD
Track 8: 声 | Koe
The second volume of the ShopBGM Compilation, with the tracks made to be used as BGM for Melonbooks’ store. We have once again a new BUTAOTOME original song, for those who crave for more! I like to consider it in my mind as “Trauma Recorder’s true ending”, I’m eagerly waiting for the full!

Touhou Compilation CD 萃星霜 (Suiseisou) | Melonbooks /// Sample
Disc 1, track 1: 手の中の青空 | Te no Naka no Aozora [Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not]
And after the Party Boxes, we have a new Touhou compilation series from Melonbooks. The header in the special page says that this is the “first of the series”, so we should expect more in future! Each track represents a month and has an artwork made by a different artist: this new BUTAOTOME song represent January and has a Suwako illustration made by Tama..

神獣の宴 -the Grateful BEASTS- (Shinjuu no Utage) | EX-Eientei/1569 /// XFD
Track 5: 天才と詐欺師 | Tensai to Sagishi [White Flag of Usa Shrine]
For those who don’t know/remember, EX-Eientei and 1569 are the circles of the artist Kiku Ichimonji. In past she released various Hifuu compilations, and most of these featured some contributions from BUTAOTOME (mostly notable the song Namida Tojikometa Sora). This time there is no Hifuu: it’s an animal-themed compilation, with each track based on a particular Touhou animal character. BUTAOTOME (obviously) contributed, but it’s a (surprise surprise) Pap & Comp song!
Bad Apple!! feat.nomico 10th Anniversary PHASE2 | Alstroemeria Records /// XFD
Track 8: Bad Apple!! feat.nomico (豚乙女 Ver.) [Bad Apple!!]
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of their hit Bad Apple, Ajumbaria ehm, Alstroemeria Records will release another album full of remixes and covers by other artists. We also have a BUTAOTOME cover, featuring a delicious slap bass.

アゲアゲスパーク! (Ageage Spark!) | COOL&CREATE /// XFD
Track 5: マルバツビート | Marubatsu Beat [Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat]
This time COOL&CREATE will bring a full Amane x Beatmario duet album, with various guest arrangers, including our polar bear Comp.
How TC will handle all these songs? Well, with the help of my friends Jor and Scottolo, I’ll get the two Melonbooks compilations. If someone wants to help and will purchase the Grateful Beasts album, that would be very appreciated! I don’t make pages and co. for covers, so Bad Apple is automatically skipped (plus I can just take Lovelight’s booklet or any source in the web lol), while for the C&C track… Songs with non-Ranko vocalists don’t get pages, but I might decide to make them, at least for the tracks with lyrics written by Comp as well. Tell me what do you think!
Also, the full version of Touhou 15.5 Antinomy of Common Flowers will be finally released! The game will have most of the old music from Urban Legend in Limbo, including Reimu’s theme by Comp!