No livestream today!

TC Crew Theater 34. [now I kinda want the upcoming Fortune Telling Mug Cup…]
First of all, the Sis made a 2 hours and half livestream last Thursday where she was making the booklet for the first Music Room single. It seems they are not entirely done with it, today Ranko tweeted “I’ve recorded!!111 Come to Daikyuushuu!!111 ?( ¨̮ ?)”. They will post crossfade and full tracklist in any moment from now, the Daikyuushuu Touhousai will be this Sunday! Don’t forget that this series won’t be all about limited singles (even though BUTAOTOME are first of all a music circle, so people are supposedly more interested on them), but there will be also new goods, which will be also sold on Melonbooks on a later date! The first to be sold, as you can see in this picture, is a bag with an artwork based on Ouija board. And according to the official website, you can use it as that! (laughs)
Moving on live news, there was the Touhou LIVEBOX last Friday! Did you miss the livestream? You can rewatch it here. Also, here is the setlist for Monday’s live, which was all about being a major band:
1. Radical Shoujo
2. Ikiru no ga Heta na dake
3. Circus
4. Zurezure na Hibi
5. Trauma Recorder
6. Tiramisu Cowboy
7. Furubokko
And a new Osaka live in April has been added to the schedule…
Unnecessary piece of trivia time: today Ranko tweeted that there was a song that gets stuck in her head but she didn’t remember at all the title and lyrics. After a while she realized it was Not Misekake, track from the second Toranoana Uroboros compilation. It surprised me to see a kinda forgotten compilation track to be mentioned, that’s all w
And that’s all for this week!