Today’s livestream had just Comp. It seems Paprika has still some toothache. Get well soon!
The most important news of the week is the announcement of the Reitaisai albums! Daihinmin, Majotachi no Ongakushitsu and Touhou Peace. Click on the links for more informations! Also, XFDs have been uploaded on Youtube! Daihinmin | Majotachi. There will be also a music video related to Daihimin, but it’s unknown what it will be and when it will be published (my guess is it will be for the first track). And for those who still don’t have enough BUTAOTOME, the guest list is here, where I also talk about my spring doujin purchases and plans.
Ranko will be in Niigata on Friday, for the Niigata Touhousai. Even though it will be two days before Reitaisai, she will just sell old albums and the Kirisame Magic Shop goods, which will be also sold at the Reitaisai booth.
Last weekend there was the Niconico Choukaigi, where BUTAOTOME played live as Touhou circle and also had a lot of fun! You can watch the live here if you timeshifted it earlier. Setlist:
1. Gensou no Satellite
2. Hakanaki Mono Ningen
3. Machibito wa Kozu.
4. Mesen
5. Kyouen
6. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
The event Suzuna Gensou Emaki (Forbidden Scrollery-only) published a XFD of their small compilation with arrangements of Bibliophile with the Deciphering Eye. There is also a new BUTAOTOME song! The event will be held on July 1st in Matsusaka. It’s unknown if this album will be obtainable outside of the event.
Aaaaand that’s all for this week!

TC Crew Theater 42
P.S.: I would like some more confirmations before updating the how to buy guide: it seems Melonbooks.com (the download shop, not co.jp) blocked the access to people outside Japan. Can you please confirm it to me?