So, the thing is, because of reasons, in the last week and half I didn’t really check Butaotome-related Twitters as usual. I didn’t even watch the last two ButaNamas (which lasted 30 minutes). I now checked the main Twitter where they retweet the important news, and there wasn’t any big announcement, except for some blog posts in the fanclub (including Ranko reviewing Guerrilla and Abyss, and you can read and English translation of that part here!). Also, some days ago Comp was a guest at this month’s Touhou Station streaming. Highlight: the bear getting a picture with RD-Sounds!
Tanpopo on jubeat
I discovered only the other day that Tanpopo (one of the original songs made for the rhythm game Gitadora) has been ported on another Bemani arcade: jubeat! The song is available until February 4 in the T-emo store. It was also available back in November, but it went completely unnoticed. (well, during that time Butaotome members were too busy spamming the elfin’ song…)
Daikyuushuu Touhousai 35
BUTAOTOME will participate at the most popular Touhou event in Kyushu on Monday! However, they won’t sell anything new.
Super Sis’ art corner
Let’s close this recap with the bunny’s newest arts!
– Reimu
– Dizzy from Guilty Gear
– Terry from Garou: Mark of the Wolves