There was no livestream today! Today the Butamembers went to Aomori, where Paprika’s parents live. On Sunday Ranko recorded something and there were some rehearsal on Tuesday (probably in preparation of next month’s live).
Buta Lounge news
Tickets for Buta Lounge, the first celebrative live for the 10th anniversary, went on sale last Saturday… and they went soldout after 10 minutes! The goods have been also revealed and they look cute and stylish, fitting with the classy feeling this live will have! You can see them in this tweet, along with a picture of the tickets (the letter).
Touhou Cannonball
A new trailer for the mobile game Touhou Cannonball has been released! The official upload is blocked outside Japan, so here is a unofficial reupload, taken from a livestream. The music is made by a lot of popular Touhou fan musicians, including BUTAOTOME. The BGMs used for the trailer don’t have specific credits, but the 3rd one is very Comp-esque!
Super Sis’ art corner
– Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear (now I kinda want to see That Man)
Cthulhu TRPG is fun.
If you have nothing to do on Friday at 11:30 CET, you can watch Ranko and friends streaming their TRPG adventures on their channel!
Tiramise-san goes on holiday
Next Tuesday is my birthday! On Sunday, my boyfriend Scott will visit me and we’ll spend one week together! As usual, updates will slow down, but the usual recap will arrive!