The first Reitaisai of the Reiwa era is slowly approacching on May 5. A lot of circles already announced what they will bring to the event. BUTAOTOME will finally announce their new album(s?) on Wednesday, during the weekly livestream! Together with this reveal, they will also talk about the 3rd celebratory event for the 10th anniversary.
To fill the time before the announcement, here is a list of albums that will feature BUTAOTOME’s guest participation in any way. [last update: May 4]

Album: Every Missing Mystic Mxxxxxx
Circle: TsuBaKi
Title | Romaji (track number): ヌスメナイナイトメア | Nusumenai Nightmare (track 2)
Original themes: Akumu Nikki | Hitoku sareta Four Seasons | Enseki Hakubutsushi ga Tsuretekita Yami
Type: sung by Ranko, duet
XFD: Nicovideo | Soundcloud
TsuBaKi is a Chinese doujin circle, led by the vocalist, lyricists and cosplayer Napoleon. They collaborated with some Japanese Touhou artists, and this time they managed to get Ranko to sing in one track for their new Hifuu-themed release! The song is a duet with Yuki Ayatsuji and it seems to be a Violet Detector-based track!

Album: “Activity” Case:Extra -Storyteller’s Night-
Title | Romaji (track number): Forgotten Paradise (track 15), Brandnew Overture (track 19)
Type: sung by Ranko, live recording
XFD: Soundcloud
This is a double live CD containing a recording of GET IN THE RING’s Activity Case live, which was held on October of last year and had Ranko among the various guest vocalists.

First of all, this is not a Reitaisai release, but a M3 Spring 2019 one. M3 is one week earlier than Reitaisai, so I list this one here for the sake of convenience. Then… ochinpo means penis. Yes, this is a whole album where Beatmario, our favourite poop, sings about his genitalia along with his friends. Neither polar bears are safe from it, and Comp composed one track that it’s also apparently a duet between him and Beatmario, but actually he does something that I’ll let you discover.
I decided to create a page about this song already.
That’s all for albums containing new material. Now, for a list of albums with older songs!
Taito will release Touhou Meikyokushuu (東方名曲蒐), a best of album containing a selection of Touhou songs made for Groove Coaster. The tracklist includes Karisome (Hartmann’s Youkai Girl arrange with ichigo on vocals), Konohazuku (instrumental arrangement of Miko’s theme + stage) and Kodoku na Hana (vocal arrangement of Nemuno’s theme).
Shinra-Bansho will release Shinra Museum, a collection of songs released in compilations and other circles’ albums. Interestingly, they also included inner light and Namae wo Yonde, two tracks sung by Ranko and arranged by kaztora from the 2012 release Nijiiro Palette.
DiGiTAL WiNG will release (among other things) HIGH SPEED BEST OF RAVER’S NEST Vol.2, a new best of album for their Raver’s Nest series. The song CRAZY YOU, arrangement of Clownpiece’s theme sung by Ranko, will be included.
Do you want to buy any of those releases but can’t go to Reitaisai? Most of them can be purchased on every doujin shop, and you can find the links in the official websites! The sole exceptions are the GET IN THE RING live album (Melonbooks exclusive), Touhou Meikyokushuu (which will be available on Melonbooks and Taito Store on a later date) and the TsuBaKi album (they don’t have a proper website and their albums seems available only on Melonbooks)