There was no livestream today, but finally I can write a more substantial recap! BUTAOTOME members are still working on the C96 releases! Ranko wrote lyrics, Paprika wrote lyrics…
10th anniversary announcements
The seventh celebrative event for BUTAOTOME’s 10th anniversary was announced last weekend! It’s Touhou Freaks vol.2. More info in this post.
Also, Comp said in his latest fanclub blog post that the eighth event will be announced at the beginning of next month!
Touhou Man’youshuu
There is no Comiket/Reitaisai without at least one BUTAOTOME guest song! Melonbooks will release a compilation full of new Touhou songs, illustrations and comics. The Pig contributed with a new arrangement of MoF’s stage 5: Oshakairo (お釈迦色)! The related Sanae illustration was drawn by Asuzemu.
Official website | MP3 sample
Touhou Lost Word
A new Touhou unofficial mobile game has been announced out of nowhere! Touhou Lost Word is an RPG with gacha ( :pap_scream: ) elements. Unlike most of the Touhou fangames, the trailers use random instrumental tracks taken from Touhou groups’ albums. Today they published a small trailer featuring Akai Shimai Cake to Kashikoi Mont Blanc, a track from Touhou Nekokenban 10!
Official website | Trailer
Badminton Japan Open 2019
In between the C96 recordings, Comp found the time to play bass for music composed by his guitarist friend Araken. This music will be used for the Badminton Championship held over the next few days!
Official website | Araken’s tweet
Aaand that’s all for this week’s news! Ranko and her friends will stream a new board game on Saturday on their channel. And during the weekend I will finally publish the fourth part of the rank(o)ing!