The other day Ranko wrote lyrics, and today she recorded something.
Post-Kouroumu update
Despite the typhoon, last weekend’s Kouroumu went fine! There was just Comp at the booth. He also did a one hour DJ set, and this is the setlist:
1. Necro-Fantasia – Kishida Kyoudan
2. Hoshizora wo Pocket ni Tsumete – TUMENECO x Honeypocket
3. Junkan Circle End – Wakasagitsuri.
4. Gekitsui Murasa – COOL&CREATE
5. Touhou Cannonball’s theme song
7. Hitouka – TAMAONSEN
8. Help me,ERINNNNNN!! Sekkenya version (Remastered)
9. Yonayona Egosearch – Touhou Jihen
11. Lost Word Chronicle
12. Kegarenaki Euphoria – Yuuhei Satellite
13. SATORI – Akatsuki Records
TaNaBaTa Otome
The 3rd two man live that celebrates the 10th anniversary will be this Saturday, at Osaka Drop. Tickets are still available on Lawson Ticket! The exclusive goods have been revealed and you can see them here!
Speaking of the 10th anniversary, Comp said that the wrapping up event will be announced this month and he also mentioned December.
Other news of the week
This was already reported last week, but some Touhou songs are now available on DAM karaoke! Think of Chibi Ranko when you sing Minna no! Also, Machibito wa Kozu. will be available tomorrow on WACCA, but VIP members were already able to play it since today.
TaNaBaTa Otome is not the only live for the next seven days! There is also a small festival in Shibuya, with multiple non-doujin bands. Here is the tickets page.
Ranko no Ane is posting a lot of sketches of Yachie, one of the new characters from Touhou 17. I wonder if this means that we’ll get an arrangement of her theme for the C97 album… But then I reminded myself that last year she posted quite a lot of Sumireko fanarts. We still didn’t get any Violet Detector song and this disappoints me immensely and ruins my day. Things aside, she is also posting Guilty Gear fanarts!
And that’s all. :suyaa: