An update about the ContentID claims on Touhou Music

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I originally wanted to wait until tomorrow’s weekly recap for talking about this, but since there are a huge shitstorm and spread of misinformation, I decided to write this update.

Since a couple of weeks, a company called Rightsscale, Inc. has been sending copyright claims to various videos with Touhou music (official and fanmade). They are doing this on behalf of Touhou Doujin Music Distribution (東方同人音楽流通), the company that manages the distribution of Touhou music on iTunes and Google Play.

This was announced back in November, and only now they are starting to take action. And apparently this has been affecting both monetized and unmonetized uploads.
Note that these are just ID claims. I don’t know if they actually removed any video, but at least Team Shanghai Alice (AKA Touhou official music), BUTAOTOME, and COOL&CREATE’s music have been contentIDed. Videos are still up, but they can’t be monetized/the ad revenue will go to the original artist.

Apparently the claims are manual (rather than being made with the Youtube bot), as, for example, a lot of uploads of the original Hartmann’s Youkai Girl from Subterranean Animism are detected as the Trojan Green Asteroid version, despite having quite a lot of differences (there are no OST albums for official Touhou games, except for the fighting games and the PC-98 series as Akyu’s Untouched Score). And nearly all the COOL&CREATE songs are wrongly contentIDed (example: tracks from All Night of Nights (オールナイト・オブ・ナイツ) are detected as songs from Touhou Guitar Zyuku Chi (東方ギタージュク・地)).

Anyway, this is legit. TDMD is approved by ZUN, and acts on his behalf.