First of all, please send positive thoughts to my package with my copies of Shoujo Rengoku 5 and Touhou Nekokenban 20. Robin shipped it last week and I still didn’t get it.
Touhou Cannonball update
The summer season is here, and a new event has been added! This time is centered on EoSD characters making a summer festival. Of course, it comes with new music! This time the Pig gave us a new board theme for Cirno: Otenba na Omatsuri (おてんばなお祭り). To obtain it, you need to clear the fifth quest of the event, then you can purchase it for 5000 festival goldfishes (the exclusive currency for this event). It will take a while but some other tracks require a much more intensive grinding to be unlocked! To help you, sadly this time I don’t have anything useful except for a 4 star Koakuma with shadowgraphs, but you can still add me! My code is N9E6JP.
If you have listened to the track, you definitely have noticed that it sounds extremely Paprika-esque, and she is also credited in the performers section! You might think this is her real final work with BUTAOTOME, or that she came back, but that’s not it. You might not know it, but assets for this event (namely: Cirno, Remilia and Flandre with yukata’s card arts, their 3D models and Live2Ds and placeholder data for additional battle/board themes for them) were datamined ever since Cannonball’s first release in October 2019. It’s highly likely that Otenba na Omatsuri was made last year or so, and it was sitting in Comp’s PC/Aniplex’s servers until now. Furthermore, all of BUTAOTOME’s contributions made in the past 6 months were entirely arranged by Comp.
Touhou no Uta special
There was a special 5 hours long episode of the MiniComp show last weekend, sponsored by the Chinese event Michi Gensou Kayoukai (魅知幻想歌谣会). Ranko was there among other acts, so here is the timestamp to her performance!
She sang an old anime opening, and then exclusively Pig songs.
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Rougetsu
- Kyoai
- Soldi
- Haruka Tooi Sora no Koe
I honestly thought the Kyoai pandering ended after the 10th anniversary. Anyway, next MiniComp’s appearance will be this Sunday, and the guests will be Alstroemeria Records (Masayoshi Minoshima and nomico)! Youtube
New Groove Coaster Switch DLC
A new Touhou pack is available now! This time is centered on Mountain of Faith songs, so along with classics like Kero Destiny or Shoujo Fractal’s version of Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru wo (because we dare to be different), we have Kiyoraka na Koufuku, the Pig’s Candid Friend arrangement made for Taito’s game.
Interestingly enough, it seems that this time Taito decided to use romanized titles for all the songs instead of translations, so Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru wo is called “Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru wo” and not “Although Scattering, The Scent Lingers On” or whatever the most accepted translation is. Previously, only commissioned songs had a romanized title. I guess they finally realized that using the translated titles from Touhou Wiki is very dumb. The DLC is out now on the Japanese shop, so you need to wait for a bit to be available in other shops (but you can still buy it now if you have a Japanese eShop account)
DLC page (Japanese)
TC updates
First of all, a new part of the Fanbook symposium is up! This time we learn more about how BUTAOTOME works! Only two parts and I’ll be done, woohoo!
Secondly, thanks to NC from the Discord server who informed me about them, I got the latest GITADORA OSTs. So Deguchi Iriguchi and Toumei Justice‘s pages have been updated with lyrics!
Now to the most important question… why does Deguchi Iriguchi mention Amazon? It has been discovered that most of Buta’s recent contributions on Bemani games (namely: Henteko, Button, Samui Uwasa) are available to listen to on the MUSIC PLAYER feature of Beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE. They are locked behind the Ultimate subscription, which lets you listen to tracks from every Bemani for a monthly fee. So… do they come with lyrics?
That’s all for this week! And next week is the fifth anniversary, oh man…