Most of the news were already reported in previous posts, but anyway…

Today Touhou Cannonball has been shut down, and it’s no longer possible to login. But next year we might get a good substitute…
Touhou Danmaku Kagura
This new mobile game was announced last weekend, during the giant Touhou 25th anniversary streaming. Touhou Danmaku Kagura is a rhythm game with gacha elements. It’s developed by “Unknown X”, a supergroup of companies who, under the former name of “Mysterious Sponsor X”, have been funding a lot of Touhou-related events and stuff. There is some misinformation around saying that the Sponsor was actually a supergroup of regular Touhou creators, but sadly it’s not the case. The companies behind this specific game are AQUASTYLE (their leader JYUNYA is also the leader of the sponsor), DeMA (best known for various mobile games including Fire Emblem Heroes and Pokémon Masters), and xeen.
Autumnal Reitaisai 7
The third physical event of this year will be on Sunday! As mentioned in last week’s post, BUTAOTOME will be there, and they’ll sell the RenMerry facemasks and mask case.
BOOTH orders will open around the time of Reitaisai, and a new Ane comic in yellow paper will be included for free.
And that’s all for this week.