A new project was announced during today’s Touhou Danmaku Kagura’s theme song premiere, and it’s not the release date of the game.

Due to Coronavirus, events and lives have been canceled. “If things will continue like this, the vitality of the Touhou arrangement community will disappear, and that’s too sad!!!” So, our poop Beatmario had this idea: the Touhou Arrange Kasseika Daisakusen (東方アレンジ活性化大作戦, Big Touhou Arrangement Revitalization Plan)
This summer we’ll get Touhou Otohanabi (東方オトハナビ). It’s a four discs compilation featuring 40 doujin circles.
Furthermore, there will also be Touhou Lunatic Release (東方ルナティックリリース). A lot of Touhou music circles will release a new CD at the same time.
BUTAOTOME will be part of both things!
More details on July 16.