One Week BUTAOTOME 221: the Delicate Tour is over…

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Happy Easter!

This is a very short update, not a lot of things have happened lately… Well, we got hijacked again by the Kiatsu Corporation, but we managed to kick their ass once again!

Website Updates

Nothing, but from next week I will go back to work on something… with the end of the Delicate Tour, the Live section needs a nice upgrade! Oh yeah, I published the review for the original Best a while ago!


The Delicate tour is over, but BUTAOTOME’s live activity will continue! The #NormalLive is next week, and don’t forget that you can buy a streaming ticket! And the Niconico Choukaigi is at the end of the month, with the usual super Touhou Live stage

Comp will play bass at ichigo’s birthday party on June 3rd!

Aaaaand that’s all for today…