Hi! How’s going for you? The Teal Mask DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been released and I’ve already completed it (story and Dex) :musedeadinside: But let’s move on to relevant stuff…
After a long odyssey, I finally received my C102 package! Yesterday I devoted myself to Oshira Asobi, and I can finally bring you my translation of the story and the song! Review coming soon!
I decided to create a form for future stuff! Feel free to answer it here. It will be opened for about a week.

Now, let’s move on to BUTAOTOME news!
First of all, the December live has finally been announced, and it’s a 3man live with Sekkenya and THE SLUT BANKS! More info here. (also here is Ane’s blog post where she talks about THE SLUT BANKS)
The goods for the Daifugou vs Daihinmin live have been revealed!

The old t-shirt that was originally sold at C94 is back, and we also have new goods using the design of the two albums. All the live attendants will receive a sticker. It’s unknown if these will be sold on BOOTH. (hopefully… I kinda want the old t-shirt and the Fabulous keyholder)
The official upload of Soldi’s PV on YouTube has surpassed 1 million views! This is the third video to reach the milestone. The next one should be GenSate!
Nanase Aikawa has a cover album coming on November 8th. ROCK MONSTER will include Nanase covers of famous songs such as Senbonzakura and Cry Baby, as well as the mysterious Time Machine ni Onegai that she performed during her tour in July. Comp retweeted the announcement, but it’s still unknown if he has been involved with the re-arrangement of any track in this album (if there is any re-arrange).
Aaaaand that’s all for today!