Hiiii! How are you guys? The Indigo Disk DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been released and I’ve already finished it… Currently waiting for a friend to trade the last Paradoxes I need to complete the Blueberry Dex.
Oh, and I will finally do my passport request on December 27th! Wish me luck!

C103 announcement
BUTAOTOME’s C103 release is done, woooohooo! It’s unknown when it will be officially announced. However, it’s already up for pre-order on various doujin shops. If you can’t wait and want to spoil yourself… just click here! The crossfade is up on MelonBooks.
Remember that there will probably be some new merch that will be sold on BOOTH, as well as possible event-limited content (stahp), so wait until the official announcement before doing your pre-order!
In the meantime, the t-shirt of PIG SOAP SLUT is available on BOOTH!
Switzerland 2024 confirmed!
On February, in between the Pink tour, BUTAOTOME will be in Lausanne for the Japan Impact convention! This will be their very first appearance outside of Asia. More info in the previous post. Does Switzerland count as Europe, btw? It’s a huge opportunity, so don’t miss it if you have the chance!
Meeting BUTAOTOME has been one of my biggest dreams. I want to say hi to them, thank them for everything, and have them sign my copy of Chess. As the Professional BUTAOTOME Fangirl, a part of me thinks I must be to this event. I mean, It’s their first official appearance outside of Asia! Lausanne is also not that far away from where I live! So I really, really wanted to be there. However… After further consideration, I decided that I won’t go. I think it’s just not worth it for me. Lausanne is such a hassle to reach (I don’t have a car, and train routes require a fuckton of changes), and I have no one who can accompany me. But most importantly, at the cost of sounding cheesy, I don’t want my dream to come true while my boyfriend is not with me. He will visit me in January, and it’s not worth postponing all the flights and stuff just for this Switzerland madness. We also have zero interest in visiting the country, and the convention probably won’t have anything interesting outside of the Pig, except for meeting a couple of friends who might be there.
So, if you are going there… please have fun and say hi to Buta for me!
Comp makes new songs?!?!?!
Heeeey, turns out that Comp’s constant external recordings can be unrelated to Lost Culo! Humanity is restored! He recently did two songs, both with lyrics by Nanase Aikawa.
The first is Itai Itai Ai (いたいいたいあい), the title track of Risky Melody’s major debut single. It will be released on February 14. The second is Tasuki wo Tsunage (襷をつなげ), a track Nanase did to support the Kokugakuin University at the Hakone Ekiden. It’s unknown if it will get a CD release.
The return of originals?
Ane said that the Pig is working on new original songs! Ranko also added that she has recorded some, and she can’t wait for us to listen to them! Unless they are preparing the material for a future album beforehand, I’m pretty sure they are going to be the usual rhythm game songs/commissioned stuff in general. Still, new originals are always welcome!
Aaaaand that’s all for today!