オリエンタル夢紀行 | Oriental Yumekikou

From the car window of Shangri-La

Title: オリエンタル夢紀行
Romaji: Oriental Yumekikou
Translation: Oriental dream travelogue
Length: 36:03
Release date: 13/08/2011 (Comiket 80)

Cover character: Hong Meiling

The album’s theme is “travel”, and it’s especially notable from the first and the last track. It features a good variety of songs, but there is a laidback feeling overall.


  1. 夢紀行 | Yumekikou – 4:33
    – Original: Hiroshige 36gou ~ Neo Super-Express
  2. 宵影 | Yoi Kage – 3:30
    – Original: Heian no Alien
  3. 暗夜航路 | An’ya Kouro – 4:47
    – Original: Yuurei Kyakusen no Jidai wo Koeta Tabi
  4. 虹のホログラフ | Niji no Holograph – 4:58
    – Original: Shanghai Kouchakan ~ Chinese Tea
  5. 恋死に | Koishi ni – 5:06
    – Original: Last Remote
  6. 迷い子の目覚め | Mayoigo no Mezame – 5:13
    – Original: Toono Gensou Monogatari
  7. 愛憎輪舞曲 | Aizou Rondo – 3:38
    – Original: Necro-Fantasia
  8. 星の向こうに | Hoshi no Mukou ni – 4:16
    – Original: Michi no Hana Michi no Tabi


  • Ranko – Vocals (all tracks), Lyrics (tr. 3, 5-7)
  • Comp – Arrangement (all tracks), Lyrics (tr. 1, 2, 4, 8), Bass, Guitar, Mix, Mastering
  • Paprika – Piano
  • Ranko no Ane – Illustrations, Design
  • Original works by ZUN

Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music

Official website