M3-37 news

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First of all, no streaming for this week! The animals took other pics while they were in Niigata, but is still unknown if those photos will have a purpose.

Anyway. Some days ago, the circle list for M3-37 was finally published! List
Translation of Buta’s description (their booth is 第一展示場 G-14b):
“We are usually active in the rock genre, but this time we are thinking of publishing something a bit different”

The ZERO SOUNDS description has this:
“We are planning to release a Sunrise anime tribute rock album with BUTAOTOME, A-One, IRON ATTACK! and others”
The Sunrise studio is the one behind Gundam animes, but among their other stuff there are Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Tiger&Bunny, Gintama, Inuyasha and many others.