Furubokkoru tour’s limited CD (Osaka)

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As previously announced, those who will attend any date of the Furubokkoru tour will receive a special homemade CD with 2 re-arrangements of previous songs. Each disc will have different contents for each date.
The first live of the tour is this Saturday in Osaka, and Comp finally confirmed which tracks will be re-arranged!

1. しあわせ | Shiawase [Maiden’s Capriccio ~ Dream Battle]
2. 二人だけの言葉 | Futari dake no Kotoba [Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye | Hartmann’s Youkai Girl]

Being homemade CDs, it’s highly likely they won’t post a crossfade. Plus, I won’t dedicate a proper page to this disc series, instead I will write about them here.

EDIT: Contrary to my expectations, a crossfade has been uploaded on Youtube!