Original title: “A CD of BUTAOTOME changes foreign countries.” Comp, 2017

Today’s main news from the streamo was the announcement of a free mini live on November 8, the release date of Trauma Recorder. It will be at Taito Station, which I guess is the “home” of this second album era. By purchasing stuff at the event, you also get a badge with the two cover girls.
During the livestream, images for the Melonbooks freebies (Compachi sticker, trading cards) were shown! The trading card set covers all the vocal albums + some other releases (there was Neko no Anmin, but no Nekokenban album)
Now for other news… A new song has been made! No other details, except the usual tweets from Comp and Ranko where they talked about, respectively, making a new song and recording. Since it’s very early to even think about C93, it’s probably a new song for a compilation or music game.
The setlist for Mitsubachi Festival was quite surprising!
1. Radical Shoujo
2. Mou ashita nanka iranai
3. Hakusen
4. Tiramisu Cowboy
5. Furubokko
No Saru, no Sharekoube, instead there was Mou Ashita nanka Iranai, which is usually not played outside of lives with all the Furubokko tracks.
Music game news: Himawari Sunset will be available on Nostalgia arcades from tomorrow. Since this song has a big relevance, I decided to create the page. Also, I forgot to report it last week, but Kaze ni Noseta Negai is on Chunithm! It’s part of the Mountain of Faith event, which lasts until November 21th: by playing the song, you can unlock Sanae. I’m still surprised to see that song (which is not exactly among the most popular tracks from Tasogare Elegy) on Chunithm!
This is a free week in BUTAOTOME’s schedule (no lives, no events), so see you next time!

TC Crew Theater 17. The crew is helping me (?) in tidying up my room and in the meantime Chibi Ranko refound one of her favourite books.