I finally got my magazines yesterday! So, here is a translation of the Trauma Recorder review from December 2017’s issue of Bass Magazine. Obviously, it focuses more on the bass!

avex trax
Now on sale – 1500 yen – 6 tracks
[Comp (bass, etc.)] Ranko (vocals), Paprika (piano, keyboard, etc.), others
Bass satisfactory rate: 4 stars out of 5
The flexible stance and skill to use different bass textures
The 2nd major mini-album from BUTAOTOME, whose members are the female vocalist Ranko, the polar bear Comp (bass, etc.), the cat Paprika (piano, etc.), and the rabbit Ranko no Ane (in charge of artworks and performances). Their unique characters draw them attention, yet they are definitely not just a comedy band, their musicality is of the traditional school, based on simple guitar rock/pop. Their charming songs feature catchy melodies, gorgeous sounds, and fresh vocals. It is also noteworthy that the band has shown a wide range of styles with the emotional “Zurezure na Hibi”, the melancholy slow tune “Fusoku Hokou”, and the samba-tinged “Yodare”, while focusing on light and upper-key numbers. It’s a work that releases “a noticeable presence”, just like their personalities.
Regarding the bass, the broadness is impressive. It flashes out in “Ikiru no ga Heta na dake” featuring a fast slap, the groovy “Yodare”, and the dynamic “Panorama”, while it is placed at the bottom in “Zurezure na Hibi” and “Fusoku Hokou”, as expected. Furthermore, “Trauma Recorder” goes in a crescendo towards the latter half of the song, “Ikiru no ga Heta na dake” switches to playing root notes in the second part, “Yodare” incorporates a sharp technique where it goes in unison with the vocals for a moment; there are many moments where the bass surprised me. The flexible stance and skill to use different bass textures exquisitely according to the tune shine through.