This is a very slow news period in the World of BUTAOTOME…
Flowering Night 2020
The live is on Saturday 4th at 8:30 AM CEST, and it will be livestreamed on Youtube and Nicovideo! (who still uses Nicovideo in 2020?)
This will be BUTAOTOME’s first live of the year, and also the first one without Paprika.
Youtube | Nicovideo
And that’s all for anything related to the circle.
Website updates
First of all, I’ve updated the Ane Manga page, with a full index of the book and translated content (translated titles may be subjected to change). I’ve also added a comic I’ve translated some time ago. I’ll definitely translate more comics in the future, but they are not a priority for now. Right now I’m focused on a certain old book…
Secondly, I’ve made a new page with a list of translated interviews and articles. A new interview will be up on Friday, so be sure to check it out!
If you have any Japanese interview with/article about the Pig, feel free to send it to me (the contact page is right on the top bar). I have my backlog of stuff to do, but if you send me anything, I’ll be sure to give it priority!
In case of English interviews (like the Oh Press one), I’ll just add them in the index as external links.
And that’s all.