This place is safe from April Fools jokes! And as usual, BUTAOTOME didn’t do anything.
TC News
I haven’t done much lately, but I bring you the first batch of compilation tracks from the final stretch of translations:
- Nanikuwanu Tsuki (from forestpireo’s Mokou ~mokou the best~)
- Te no Naka no Aozora (from Melonbooks’ Touhou Compilation CD Suiseisou)
- Oshakairo (from Melonbooks’ Compilation CD-BOOK Touhou Man’youshuu)
I should make a better index of contents (translations, reviews, interesting articles)…
Ranko has been writing lyrics and recording! Reitaisai is next month, a new release is in the making. ✌️
Ane has published a paywalled post in the Fanbox, where she posted several drawings she did during the past month. The interesting part lies in the artwork, so go check the post if you are subscribed. There might be even a spoiler for the Reitaisai release…? Oh, and the bunny reopened her Skeb! And looks like she now accepts NSFW requests… :shifty:
We have more detail about the Super Touhou Live Stage 2022, sourced from Club Città’s website. BUTAOTOME will play on April 25! Oh, and Kanako Itou will be a guest, you know what that means. 🦖 Tickets are currently being sold, but the live will be broadcasted on YouTube!
From April 2 to May 22, there will be a big Touhou Project exhibition at Tokyo Anime Center in DNP PLAZA SHIBUYA, to celebrate Embodiment of Scarlet Devil’s 20th anniversary. Things that are related to this website include a collage of album covers from popular music circles (here is a pic of the Pig part) and free-to-play Groove Coaster and Tetote x Connect cabs with only Touhou songs.
A new Touhou mobile game was announced, more details are in the previous post.
And that’s all for today!