A collection of stories about a certain book store.
Title: 鈴のそら音
Romaji: Suzu no Sorane
Translation: The empty sound of bell
Length: 31:52
Release date: 10/05/2015 (Reitaisai 12)

Cover characters: Mamizou Futatsuiwa, Kosuzu Motoori
The title could be a reference to “Koto no Sorane”, a short novel by Souseki Natsume. This album is based on the manga Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery, with every track named as a couple of chapters and the lyrics inspired by those. Each track is an arrangement of more than one original theme (with some very unusual combinations) and it’s one of the quietest albums in the entire discography.
Note: the romanized titles of the songs follow those of their namesake chapters and they might conflict with those in official BUTAOTOME sources.
- 著者不明は容易く盗まれる | Chosha Fumei wa Tayasuku Nusumareru – 3:40
– Originals: Eien no Miko; Japanese Saga; Niiru Renkachou ~ Red and White - お稲荷さんの頭巾 | Oinarisan no Zukin – 3:21
– Originals: Magus Night; Haruiro Komichi ~ Colorful Path - 狐疑逡巡する貸本屋 | Kogishunjun suru Kashihon’ya – 4:49
– Originals: Natsukashiki Touhou no Chi ~ Old World; Plain Asia; Fushigi na Oharai Bou - 私家版 百鬼夜行絵巻 | Shikaban Hyakkiyakou Emaki – 3:14
– Originals: Sado no Futatsuiwa; Fumoto no Jinja - 打出の小槌の残滓 | Uchide no Kodzuchi no Zanshi – 3:59
– Originals: Oriental Dark Flight; Kagayaku Hari no Kobitozoku ~ Little Princess - 煙草と狸と無銭飲食 | Tabako to Tanuki to Musen Inshoku – 4:52
– Originals: Shinkou wa Hakanaki Ningen no Tame ni; Sado no Futatsuiwa - 苟且のセブンワンダー | Karisome no Seven Wonder – 3:25
– Originals: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke no Kappa ~ Candid Friend; Soratobu Miko no Fushigi na Mainichi - 曰くつきの艶書 | Iwakutsuki no Love Letter – 4:29
– Originals: Are no Kodomo; Touhou Yourendan
- Ranko – Vocals (all tracks), Lyrics (tr. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8)
- Comp – Arrangement (tr. 1, 2, 4-7), Lyrics (tr. 2, 5, 7), Bass, Guitar, Mix, Mastering
- Paprika – Arrangement (tr. 3, 6, 8), Piano
- Ranko no Ane – Illustrations, Design
- Original works by ZUN
Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music