Tag Archives: muse dash

One Week BUTAOTOME 212: end of the month update

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So, I wanna start with some life updates: my new apartment is pretty good, some restructural works are currently ongoing (and I also need to get Internet there). Due to some stuff, there are chances that it won’t be my new permanent home, but rather something that could be put on Airbnb and similar. Oh, and on the last week… Read more »

One Week BUTAOTOME 172: an important blog post and various game news

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Paprika talks The other day Ane published a blog post where she talked about Paprika. You can read its translation here, in case you missed it. My feelings are pretty much the same as back in April. I still have my regrets (no more Paprlicious songs and Nekokenbans, I will meet BUTAOTOME in an “incomplete” state, signed Chess will be… Read more »