One Week BUTAOTOME 164: new promo pic and logo, new (old?) song on NOSTALGIA, various updates!

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BUTAOTOME 2020 (low budget version)

TC updates!

First of all, the list of songs has been updated! Changes I made over the course of the time:

  • Removed the English-friendly list because it was bothersome to update
  • Moved all the re-arrangements tracks to a separated table
  • Added Ranko’s songs with other arrangers (it will look prettier once I’ll add all the links)
  • Added a few notes
  • Maybe more things I forgot 🤔

The Japanese version of the list will be updated… before the end of the year, hopefully. Right now I wanna focus on some other stuff for this website, including a new article I wanna publish on Friday. I’ve also started the retranslation project of specific old BUTAOTOME Fanclub posts, so here are the super cool 2020 versions of Ayakashi Yokochou and Daihinmin/Majotachi no Ongakushitsu‘s commentaries! And during the weekend, I’ll update the About page, because I think it’s about time to replace the Jump Otome screenshots.

New promo pic and logo

BUTAOTOME’s new promotional pic has been finally revealed!

The logo also got a redesign!

The official website has been updated (!!!) with a new color palette, and they removed the Ane manga section/Video in favor of a Fanbox link. The Bio and Members sections have been updated, the latter by removing Paprika and substituting the historical avatars with members’ close-ups from the promo pic.

Paprika is still with us

A new original song has been added to the arcade game NOSTALGIA, and it’s an instrumental piece by ARM (IOSYS) and… Paprika-saaan! Title is Barberia Tango (バルベリア・タンゴ). It’s unknown when this track was made, but it was definitely made before Paprika announced her abandonment of the group, as she is credited as “Paprika (BUTAOTOME)” in this song, and only now it’s finally playable.

Touhou no Uta

There was a MiniComp Show livestream last weekend, with Annyyy from TaNaBaTa. He sang Kyouen among the other songs. You can (re)watch it here.

The year is 2024. Touhou no Uta has been renamed “Touhou no Buta” and they exclusively sing BUTAOTOME songs.

Aaaaand that’s all for this week!