Website updates
Newly added translations for…
- Meguri Meguru
- Himawari Sunset
- Itanshinmon (most tracks, only Tsumi to Batsu, Shi and Sei are missing) (rest will arrive soon, no worries)
I’m done with Chess, but I’ll wait before publishing it due to some tracks that were pretty hard to translate and I wanna recheck them. I’ve translated every track in both English and Italian (yep, including Kaimenkasseizai). Also, I’ve started Giji Kazoku Nyuumon!
Ranko has finished her work on the Comiket 99 release (she wrote lyrics and recorded vocals) and she’s back in Osaka, so now Comp and Ane are doing the final touches!
Also, remember Chrono Circle, the upcoming arcade rhythm game I reported here a couple of months ago? Well, technically we don’t have any new update about its BUTAOTOME song. The game won’t have Touhou songs (so no GenSate and friends), but Akatsuki Records and Shinra-Bansho’s names were listed in the credits… However, the latest trailer shows a new original song by Stack and friends, so this pretty much confirms that we are going to get a new Pig original!
Chrono Circle is expected to be launched on Japanese arcades this month.
And that’s all for today!