Ese Souretsu Shinan and the Itanshinmon reprint are out now in the best doujin shops! You can also order them through BUTAOTOME’s BOOTH (and get a nice letter).
I’ve ordered my copy of Ese Souretsu Shinan, however, it won’t arrive at my home, but at my boyfriend’s house in America. So I will update the website as usual with lyrics and all the rest, but the review won’t have the usual TC Crew pic!
Niconico Net Choukaigi 2020
This year’s Niconico Choukaigi will be held through the internet. There will also be the usual Touhou live! It will be without audience, and streamed online. BUTAOTOME will play on the first day (April 18th), and Kanako Itou will be with them, to perform Lost Word Chronicle!!
Karaoke news
Lost Word Chronicle, Furubokko and Trauma Recorder will be available on DAM from March 31st!
Also, a bunch of Bad Apple feat. nomico remixes is now available on JOYSOUND, including the infamous Pig one.
Speaking of the major songs…
Furubokko and Trauma Recorder‘s full videos have been uploaded on Avex’s channel. It’s quite an old news and I’m not sure when they went public, but better late than never!
And that’s all for this week, time go back into Animal Crossing!