One Week BUTAOTOME 213: BUTAOTOME at Comiket 101 and more!

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The Crew finally met Zergling!

Yeeeee, I’m back from my holiday!

Right now I’m busy providing… stuff for the official YouTube channel, but I should start writing a review for the Hakuma.EP soon (speaking of which, lyrics and translations for the two songs have been added for a while!)

(also, good thing I’m doing this job and paying more attention to the PVs: I didn’t realize I had Solid‘s lyrics mistyped for 4 fucking years… :musedeadinside: … anyway, they are finally fixed!)


The complete list of Comiket 101 booths has been published today! BUTAOTOME will be there!
December 31 (2nd day), space 西あ22a


“We plan to publish a new Touhou arrange CD, an Original BEST, and related goods.”


Other news

Doukei, the song from Touhou Arcadia Record, has been added to DAM karaoke services! This means we now have a legit source for its lyrics! All it requires is someone to take a video of the karaoke booth or a DAM subscription… (which apparently gives access to its whole lyrics database)

Touhou Spell Bubble will release a new rhythm game-themed DLC on November 17! It will include a BUTAOTOME song… There’s a 95% chance it will be Soldi.

Touhou Danmaku Kagura has been shut down… but it will keep living! A standalone Steam release is in the works! There is a crowdfund going pretty strong right now! This new port will also have new songs! Will it manage to have GenSate?

And that’s all for today!