Comiket 104 is on August 12 and BUTAOTOME will bring something new at their space (東ス14a)!

This time we are getting a new re-arrange album: Guerrilla 3 (ゲリラ3)
- オカルティックドリーマー【↑GROOVY↑】 | Occultic Dreamer [Lunatic Dreamer]
- ムーンストーン【↑GROOVY↑】 | Moonstone [G Free]
- 世界は思うより広く面白いはず【↓MELLOW↓】 | Sekai wa Omou yori Hiroku Omoshiroi hazu [Kagayaku Hari no Kobitozoku ~ Little Princess]
- ソリッド【↓MELLOW↓】 | Solid [Koyoi wa Hyouitsu na Egoist ~ Egoistic Flowers]
- ふたつのシネマ【↑GROOVY↑】 | Futatsu no Cinema [Last Occultism ~ Utsushiyo no Hijutsushi]
- ekadanpi/慧可断臂【↑GROOVY↑】 [Touhou Kaikidan]
- 越-ETSU-【↓MELLOW↓】 [Hikari Kagayaku Tenkyuugi]
The official website is here. Event-exclusive freebie is a clearfile. You can preorder the album on BOOTH and the doujin shops.

There will also be new 15th anniversary goods! IC card, gym bag, and two different hats! They will be sold on BOOTH after the event.