Category Archives: Opinions
[CONSTANTLY UPDATED] BUTAOTOME’s Hifuu songs – the revised edition
Tomorrow is Kagaku Seiki no Café Terrace, also known as “Kyoto Hifuu”! I decided to remake an old post. As the title (and the previous post) say, this is a list of all of BUTAOTOME’s Hifuu arrangements. It also includes instrumental tracks and remixed versions! Last update: January 24, 2023. Full albums Kouseki Radio Folie à deux FREAKS sachlichNote: Ranko… Read more »
Romaji pickiness – trying to fix mistakes
I’m back from my holiday! I bring you Munmun Manman’s full lyrics page thanks to Jordi and now I can finally work on some stuff I missed! Today I want to talk about romanized titles on non-Japanese shops. Now that BUTAOTOME’s Touhou discography is on iTunes and Google Play, we can read some “official” romanizations for their music. I always… Read more »
[Discussion/rant?] The Music Game Best and compilation contributions
A random post I got the idea some nights ago while sleeping. The C93 releases are officially out! This time I ordered my copies through the usual proxy service and I’ll publish lyrics/other info once they arrive at my house. You won’t have to wait too much for the review. But here we are talking about the least important of… Read more »
2016/2017 live stats
Why people are interested on setlists? I think they are a way for hardcore fans to keep an eye to the activity of their favourite artists, outside of the usual “listen the music, analyze it, discuss it, find something to do with their work while still respecting it”. Or for simple curious people, who want to know what to expect… Read more »
A beginner’s guide to the World of BUTAOTOME
Updated on November 17, 2019. “Oh, I want to start with BUTAOTOME. But what you would recommend?!”With their LAAAAAAAAARGE discography, anyone who would like to start to listen to them would probably stare at the screen and say “ok… and now? Where can I start?”. Here is Violet, who will try to help you! For Touhou arrange listeners, the first… Read more »
Know Your Remix – a guide to alternate versions
The other day I got the idea of making a list of all the alternate versions and remixes in BUTAOTOME’s track catalogue. From there, I decided to analyze each one of them and find a suitable category. Join me in this colorful journey! – in blue, songs released in normally available albums in BUTAOTOME’s discography. – in red, songs released… Read more »
[Discussion] A new live DVD?
C92 announcements are flooding my timelines, and I noticed there is an abundance of live DVDs. That made me rise my hope that Butaotome would release one as well, with the Kore made mo live and/or Furubokkoru tour footages. I’ve discussed with Scott and here are the points we’ve brought up: – First of all, how this DVD (or even… Read more »
BUTAOTOME’s setlists: staple songs
So, it’s time for an article I had the idea of writing since a couple of weeks, but after posting a list of all the songs played during the Furubokkoru tour I thought “why not?” This is basically a recap of every BUTAOTOME album with me writing which are the so-called “staples” (aka the songs played almost at every live)… Read more »
[Discussion] Ranko’s best of?
The concept for this article is something I thought since a long time, but I only thought about writing it in the last few months. In all these years, Ranko sang for many other circles and arrangers outside BUTAOTOME: most of these tracks are of similar genres, while others go outside those borders. While she is not like a random… Read more »