Tag Archives: furubokko

[OLD] Furubokko – review

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First of all, I’ve listened to sachlich and the lyrics are up! Though, I won’t spend other words on it because, honestly, I found it very disappointing. Sorry. Now, let’s move on. This is an article that means a lot for me. But before starting with the main dish of this review, let’s do a retrospective about BUTAOTOME’s originals, the… Read more »

Pocket no News 17: Furubokko is out!

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The day has come. Furubokko, the first major release, basically the sixth original album, is out now! …ok, technically the official release date is tomorrow, but various Japanese shops decided to sell it already, and many people got their copy from Amazon. As for me, I’ve pre-ordered my copy from Melonbooks with a proxy because hardcore fanz want the coolest… Read more »