Ranko’s wedding
As reported last weekend, Ranko got married! Her husband is the rapper Shibafu. I, and all the Tiramisu Cowboy crew, congratulate the couple and wish them all the best for their future!
In Ane’s latest free Fanbox post, we learn some more details. It was fun to rent Club Città for a small group of people (since it’s usually a live concert venue), and the bunny helped to take the pics. Ranko moved to a new house, and she got a Mac, but she didn’t know how to use it, so Comp gave her “a practical course on how to record songs at home”!
By the way, even when you are married, the Kiatsu is still the enemy.
Download and streaming update
BUTAOTOME’s latest album, Kochuuten, is finally out in the digital and streaming services where Touhou Music is allowed! You can buy a digital copy on iTunes, listen to it for free on Spotify, or Apple Music/Youtube Music/Amazon Music if you are subscribed to them! BOOTH is currently still not updated. I would make a joke that they forgot the password, but they recently added ShibayanRecords’ TOHO BOSSA NOVA 10…
Amazon Music has been added to the services covered by Touhou Doujin Music Distribution (the label that manages the distribution of Touhou music on digital service), so if you have a subscription to it, you can listen to the almost entire BUTAOTOME Touhou library!
Other News
A new DLC for Touhou Spell Bubble will be released on June 10th. It will include Eien ni Tsudzuku Yume (Touhou Peace track) and Senshaku Zesshou no Fantasia (the super mega Reitaisai collab from 2016).
Ane has made a Skeb account! Skeb is a service where people can commission art to artists all around the world. Its key feature is that the in-platform comunication between artist and requester are only limited to pretty much “draw me this doing that, here are some reference images, color it in this style”. An English guide is here.
Comp will be the support bassist for Yuuki Nanami‘s live in October 31.
Tiramisu Cowboy updates
Well, a recap of all the translations I’ve published… For albums/songs’ lyrics translations, I bring you:
Most of these songs also got an Italian translation, they are up in the usual section!
I’m almost done with three albums. I should publish the translations later this month (they all had at least one song that gave me problems…)
For non lyrics stuff, I bring you…
- Ranko’s Daily Bibibi article for May, which was about chocominto ice ice ice!!
- Some small comments about Kochuuten, Shoujo Rengoku 5 and Touhou Nekokenban 20 by Ane.
I’m planning to publish a very long and old interview this month. And with “old”… I really mean that, because it’s from 2011. Look forward to it, because I’ve been working on it since January and I have some things to say about it!
Last thing is that long awaited Kochuuten review has been published! For the next review, I wanna continue on the Nekokenban retrospective…
And that’s all for the recap!