I’m still on holiday, but I’ve got the chance to listen to the Yuusei Hakurankai Memorial Disc thanks to Jordi. I’m so very enthusiastic about it and I wanted to review it!! But first, let’s talk about the main disc. Yuusei Hakurankai, also known as “BUTAOTOME’s Best of Hifuu”. With its 19 tracks this album is on par with ButaBest3… Read more »
Welcome back to the review corner! This time we have 3 albums and 5 songs to talk about. This time I want to use a different format for the vocal albums: no track by tracks. Said this, let’s start! Shoujo Rengoku 4 The youkais are back! Before the album’s announcement, I wrote a retrospective about the Rengoku series. It’s here,… Read more »
With a new Shoujo Rengoku being in the work and coming next month, I want to talk about the 3 previously released albums. I’ll analyze the style and the evolution of the series. Sadly, there won’t be detailed track-by-tracks, unlike my typical album reviews. Otherwise the article will be published after Shoujo Rengoku 5. :laughs: The first Shoujo Rengoku came… Read more »
Welcome back to the review corner! Before starting, I would like to say something: I’m not one who usually begs for likes, shares and all that shit, but I would appreciate if, at least this time, you do something more than reading/skimming through and closing the tab. I spend a lot of time on Tiramisu Cowboy, and even though I’m… Read more »
Before starting with the final review of this series, two notes: 1. Poor Patchouli: not just she has only two themes, and EoSD’s extra stage (her possible 3rd one) is associated to Frandle in the Butaverse, but only the first song in this single is dedicated to her.2. There are a couple of mistakes in the official website’s tracklist: the… Read more »
I got access to it and lyrics are up (you can access the Music Room page from here or from the bottom of the discography page). Here is my small comment on the new songs~ 1. GekkouSelene’s light is not exactly a common choice, I think it’s rare to find it even in Marisa-centered albums! This song has a very… Read more »
So… no weekly recap for this week! There is not really any news in the World of BUTAOTOME, except for the announcement that they’ll be at Reitaisai 15 in May and have a new album. But have anyway your weekly pic of Chibi Ranko and co., feat. a shiny new friend. So… I got access to the Music Room Vol.1… Read more »
Who said that I must write reviews exclusively for the latest releases?! This will be the first of a new series of reviews where I’ll try to give the spotlight to some older albums. Since I’ll first write a long premise about Hifuu arranges, if you want to skip to the main focus of this post just go under the… Read more »
Welcome back to the usual review corner! This time with a different twist. I know my review of Shoujo Rengoku 4 Ayakashi Yokochou was supposed to be the main focus of this post… but I decided to not publish it. I hoped it was just the XFD, but this album disappointed me. I’m sorry. Nekokenban 15 This time Paprika abandoned… Read more »
And welcome back to the usual review corner! When Trauma Recorder was available on iTunes (one week before its physical release date), I immediately purchased it. I also bought it on OTOTOY to test that store, but they are still money that go to Buta! However, my reviews need the physical copies: I feel they are a necessary part of… Read more »