And as Netflix says, polar bears need love too. I apologize for skipping the recap once again last week, but there is a big lack of news in the World of BUTAOTOME. We had two important announcements in the last few days: the first is that BUTAOTOME will have a booth at Comiket 96, and they will bring new releases… Read more »
Some new lives have been announced to celebrate the 10th anniversary! They are all two man lives, with other Touhou circles.
It’s that time of the year again! But first, a little info.This year’s two Comikets will be of four days instead of three. This is because Japan is preparing to use the Tokyo Big Sight for the 2020 Olympic Games, and they can’t use the entire venue. Because of this, next year’s summer Comiket will be shifted in spring and… Read more »
The most important news of the dayWe still don’t know if Comp actually eats seals or not. Okay, let’s be serious.It has been announced that on Saturday 8 June the fourth, fifth and sixth celebratory events for the 10th anniversary will be announced! Touhou LiveBoxHere is the setlist of the Touhou LiveBox live from last Friday1. Gensou no Satellite2. Mesen3…. Read more »
“Why are humans unable to sleep when they want to sleep?” Ranko, 2019 First of all, yesterday I’ve published the review for the Reitaisai 16 albums and guest tracks! Check it out!Secondly, I skipped the recap last week because I wasn’t in the mood of writing it, but most importantly there was no big news to report, and some of… Read more »
Groove Coaster, Cannonball, Black’s ticket sale!
This is the first recap of the Reiwa era! It’s the current era of Japan, which started today May 1. Ranko celebrated the passage of era by playing TRPG live with her friends. My Japanese twitter was invaded with “last thing of Heisei era”/”first thing of the Reiwa era” messages and it felt almost like a New Year celebration. [read more]
3 new albums and a BOOTH store!
Reitaisai hype, Groove Coaster things and some translated things.