TC Crew Theater 5. They are preparing for Tiramisu Cowboy’s second anniversary on Sunday! There was no streaming today and it’s a week poor of news! We are just waiting for the C92 releases announcement, which should happen any time now… Melonbooks accidentally put up the preorder pages for the two new albums and while I was writing the news,… Read more »
The Sis just tweeted that the new releases for C92 will be announced probably between the 2nd and the 4th of the month. She also added that she thinks these new releases have various summer-ish feelings! No other details are known except that they’ll be probably the usual Touhou vocal + Nekokenban 14. Today Comp was busy with mix and… Read more »
Original title: “I asked Jordi for the title but he gave me this crappy suggestion.” Jokes aside, let’s start! There was no streaming this week! TC Crew Theater 4 Last Saturday, Comp was a guest in the Reitaisai livestream: they mostly talked about the Uta Matsuri events, and you can rewatch it here. From the 50 minute mark, you can… Read more »
Gensou no Satellite is available on Nostalgia’s arcades from today! Like Machibito wa Kozu., the other Butaotome song in the game, it’s a new version with vocals and piano re-recorded.Twitter
After 3 weeks, the weekly livestream finally came back! It was mostly Touhou Freaks talks (tickets now on sale!) and Compachi summer edition. I’m still waiting for a new music corner. The Kanazawa Touhousai live went well! The setlist was pretty much 2010 singles (though, apparently Gensou no Satellite was not played, in that case the end of the world… Read more »
Once again, no livestream this week! TC Crew Theater 2 Relevant news of the week are… Some good news for the Hifuu funz! BUTAOTOME will participate at the fourth edition of Ano Hi Mita Gensou, the live event dedicated exclusively to Hifuu Club arranges. It will be held the 17th of September at Kyoto’s FANJ, and ticket sales will start… Read more »
Song of the we- oh, wait, it’s no more. Anyway, welcome to this new corner! It’s basically a weekly recap, with all the main news from the World of BUTAOTOME taken from the weekly livestream. But there was no livestream today… So, let’s replace it somehow! TC Crew Theater 1 Here are the most relevant news Comp and Paprika would… Read more »
BUTAOTOME will participate at Friends Chihoo 2, a Kemono Friends only event which will be held on September 23! It’s the first time they’ll have a booth at a non-Touhou event (excluding original-related events such as Comitia). 唐突ですがフレンズチホー2申し込んでました。 — ランコの姉@豚乙女 (@rankoane) June 29, 2017 Translation of the circle cut: “We’ll make goods for everyday use.” “They’ll have a motif… Read more »
It’s been a while since the last update of this series! There is no streamo today, so I’m writing an update now. At the moment I’m updating some stuff here and there, as well as working on the upcoming two big posts. Speaking of BUTAOTOME, they started to work on the C92 releases, which will be probably the usual! They… Read more »
After two months since the first announcement, BUTAOTOME’s official fanclub has been finally opened! The site runs on, but you can access to its complete features only on mobile. Currently, I’m trying to see if I can register somehow with my very limited means, but it’s highly likely it’s impossible to get something outside of Japan also due to… Read more »