From the livestream of 27th November 2013. Guess who was missing at today’s streaming? Anyway, time for a classic! Title: いつもの二人 Romaji: Itsumo no futari Translation: The two of us as always Original theme: Eiya no Mukui ~ Imperishable Night すれ違った声達も傷ついちゃった夜達も (いつもの)ごめんね(結局)ありがと 最終的笑い合ってる surechigatta koetachi mo kizutsuichatta yorutachi mo (itsumo no) gomen ne (kekkyoku) arigato saishuuteki waraiatteru 壊れかけた時計なら見る見ないも同じ 動いて止まって また動くだけ 切り刻んだ時間の中君は何を見てる?… Read more »
The Autumnal Reitaisai release will be announced (probably) this Friday!Judging by the fact in these days Ranko didn’t tweeted “I’ve recorded!!1” at all and Paprika posted a couple of Twitpics with her recording vocals… Unless they are trolling/surprising us, I LOVE RED 2 is 90% confirmed. Butaotome will also partecipate at the Kagaku Seiki Cafe Terrace event on Monday, but… Read more »
From the livestream of 26th June 2015. I haven’t got any suggestion, but I was in the mood for this song, so here we go. btw, random news time: next month (18th October) there will be the second Autumnal Reitaisai, and Butaotome will participate and bring a new release! We don’t know what it will be, except that Comp said… Read more »
From today (23rd September)’s streaming! They also played Futatsu no Cinema, and I wanted to post it so much, but since the performance was not really good, I prefer to post this one instead. Next week Ranko will be absent because reasons. So, I’ll have to post something old again! The problem is that is always difficult for me to… Read more »
Just ended! Same place, different hashtag, same two new songs but completely different setlist! They also played one of the two songs included in the exclusive CD for who went at both dates! 1. Hito no tame2. Fashion chuunibyou3. Mamorubeki mono4. Yoi kage5. Hakanaki mono ningen6. Mirai7. Futatsu no cinema8. Yuukeimukei9. Fuwari kakusei10. Panorama11. Waizatsu ideology12. Mou ii yo13. Moonstone14…. Read more »
Well, yesterday there was the first day of the Kashiramoji of songs live event. I had a look at the Twitter hashtag and I found the setlist. They played two completely new songs (and apparently they are both originals)! 1. Kokochiyosa ni shine2. Karisome no seven wonder3. Itsumo no futari4. Circus5. Circus no knife nage6. The fear is oneself7. Derashine8…. Read more »
No no, it’s not song of the week time, I know! But for this weekend, while there are the Kashiramoji of songs liveshows, I wanted to share a couple of things I made. If you have watched the Jump Otome live, you’ll have noticed the medley with Ondeko no Namida, Hakanaki mono Ningen and Y. So… here is a little… Read more »
From the livestream of 3rd September 2014. Today there was Ranko, but they still haven’t played anything. Also, I was planning to write a “Kashiramoji of Songs – FAQ for overseas Piggys”, but since they haven’t announced a livestream of the two concerts this weekend, I don’t feel motivated for writing them D: Anyway, this is one of the few… Read more »
For those who own an android or iOS, a pack of Touhou songs for Groove Coaster 2 is now available worldwide, and it includes the Butaotome songs featured in the original Japanese release! The songs are “Machibito wa kozu.”, “Kakoinaki yo wa ichigo no tsukikage”, “Gensou no satellite” and “Kyouen”. Groove Coaster 2 official site News source
As Butaotome have announced months ago, those who come at both dates of the Kashiramoji of Songs live event will receive an exclusive CD containing four tracks. Today, they finally posted tracklist and crossfade! There are two new tracks (a Touhou arrange and an original) and their respective piano instrumental versions. Official website 1. 就寝 | Shuushin [Shoujo Satori ~… Read more »