Category Archives: News

Omg, TC Anniversary is this weekend! Omg, C102 is next week!

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An update I just wanted to write as a small recap of all the things that happened in the last few days. First of all, we are fully in the C102 announcements season! This event is shaping up to be at least slightly better than last Reitaisai. Sure, there are still the best-ofs, but at least we aren’t getting that… Read more »

Tiramisu Cowboy’s road-to-Comiket 102 update…?

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Hi, I guess? First of all, let’s start with a recap of BUTAOTOME news… We have two lives coming in the next months! Ano Hi Mita Gensou chapter 8 (Hifuu-only live) and Daifugou vs Daihinmin (one man live)! Details and ticket purchases link are in this post. Comp is currently busy playing bass for Nanase Aikawa’s tour. On this Instagram… Read more »

Daifugou vs Daihinmin + Ano Hi Mita Gensou chapter 8

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A new one man live has been announced! Daifugou vs Daihinmin. With this one, I think it’s safe to expect a setlist centered on the AoCF duology… October 7th at Shibuya’s Take Off 7 (oh noes). Tickets sales will start on July 15 on Livepocket! Now, for a live more accessible to poor overseas fans like me, the Hifuu-only live… Read more »

[UPDATED] Is there even a good social network replacement?

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…so. You might be aware that Twitter hasn’t been in a great status ever since cat girl Elonno Maschio’s acquisition. We have just reached a new low with the temporary tweet reading and the possible self-DDoS. Now Tweetdeck (the tool I use that lets me keep track of both my personal account and the TC’s one, a permanent open tab… Read more »

Tiramisu Cowboy’s road-to-summer update

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Hi, I’m alive. I’m considering abandoning the “One Week BUTAOTOME” format, and settling with more irregular updates instead (partially due to the general lack of relevant BUTAOTOME news besides “oh, event is happening next month” + “oh, live in 3 months” + “oh, song x is on this game” once every 3-4 weeks). Maybe I’ll come up with a different… Read more »

Tiramisu Cowboy’s “Hi, every Buta song is translated” update

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You know, ever since COVID happened, I feel like there has been a severe lack of constant news, you probably have noticed that I skipped recaps multiple times. I’m unsure if I’m getting old or if there is truly a lack of exciting news. So… let’s try to write a round-up! Reitaisai went fine, next event is Touhou Meikasai on… Read more »

One Week BUTAOTOME 222: Reitaisai 20 is next week (+ April 2023 doujin package pseudo-review)

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I’m considering permanently moving the weekly recap to Sunday… Anyway, April is over, and we have plenty of news! Reitaisai 20 Reitaisai 20 is next week, and BUTAOTOME will bring a best of and more song logo keychains! More info here. Due to the only new release being a best of with zero new content, I’ve already published my review!… Read more »

Reitaisai 20 news

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Reitaisai 20 is on May 7, and BUTAOTOME will bring… nothing new essentially. Their space will be あ23ab. Official website is here. We are getting only one release: BUTABEST 5 (豚BEST5 骨までとろける美味しさ). It covers the albums from Abyss to Kochuuten, but it also includes Ranko no Ane’s design notes! On the merch side, we are getting more logo keychains for Machibito… Read more »

Tiramisu Cowboy’s pre-“normal live” and Reitaisai 20 update

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I’ve replaced my old shelves with some better ones and I’m just happy with how my doujin collection looks (the pictures here focus on the main Buta area), they are finally lined up in a pretty way and there is space for future things (and past things I’m still missing)! This update is mainly to remind you that there is… Read more »