Tag Archives: 豚乙女

Tiramisu Cowboy’s pre-“normal live” and Reitaisai 20 update

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I’ve replaced my old shelves with some better ones and I’m just happy with how my doujin collection looks (the pictures here focus on the main Buta area), they are finally lined up in a pretty way and there is space for future things (and past things I’m still missing)! This update is mainly to remind you that there is… Read more »

One Week BUTAOTOME 221: the Delicate Tour is over…

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This is a very short update, not a lot of things have happened lately… Well, we got hijacked again by the Kiatsu Corporation, but we managed to kick their ass once again! Website Updates Nothing, but from next week I will go back to work on something… with the end of the Delicate Tour, the Live section needs a nice… Read more »

Delicate Tour in Tokyo – setlist (+ Delicate Tour final stats)

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Thanks to Ark Lucifead as usual! And with this, the Delicate Tour is over! This time they didn’t sacrifice any song from the standard setlist, and made the set a bit longer by adding a couple of songs. Tour is over, so it’s time for some nice stats… Well, they aren’t particularly exciting because they played the same songs in… Read more »

Best – review

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Better late than never, I guess! This review will have a format similar to the one I used for my scrapped Ura Best review. Beyond Touhou Touhou is not everything that revolves around the doujin world. Or the world in general. We are all humans, and our interests shift over time. Of course, sometimes they just remain the same. In… Read more »

Delicate Tour in Fukuoka – setlist

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Thanks to Ark Lucifead as usual! Standard Delicate selist. This one is identical to the Osaka one with just one song swapped. This time the “victim” is poor Tiramisu Cowboy, sacrificed in favor of a certain song from a Shoujo Rengoku album, a song particularly loved in a certain country… Fun fact: while BUTAOTOME has played in Fukuoka multiple times… Read more »

One Week BUTAOTOME 220: upcoming Spring events and more!

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This past week hasn’t been great for me physically and mentally. I still feel sick. Maybe it’s because I talked positively about Touhou Lost Word, even when I still criticized its music (seriously, the music production of that game is not amazing, to put it very lightly. Sorry Comp, but the tracks feel like they are just randomly chosen) Anyway,… Read more »

Tiramisu Cowboy’s beginning of March update

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A short update. I’m alive. I’m not working on upcoming articles, and maybe I should. A certain translation is done, but it won’t be published until my birthday. And I’m currently focusing on my personal archives… maybe there will be a Media update soon? Oh, and I’ve created a new page for documenting physical media with BUTAOTOME (and members) live… Read more »

Happy Birthday to Ranko! (2023) – Let’s talk about BUTAOTOME’s lyrics (Ranko edition)

It’s Ranko’s birthday!! Happy birthday to her!! 💜💜 Here we have the second part of my “Let’s talk about BUTAOTOME’s lyrics” post, and… wow. Ranko is my favorite lyrics writer among BUTAOTOME, and I really enjoy translating her lyrics (when translating a full album, I typically start with the songs written by her). While her writing style is usually quite… Read more »

One Week BUTAOTOME 219: original albums on streaming services!

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Website updates I’ve updated the upcoming content page… and that’s all. Still focusing on Ranko’s birthday post… I originally wanted to publish the Best review on my birthday, but plans have changed…! BUTAOTOME news The most important news of the month is that the original albums are finally available on streaming services! There are available on Spotify and various other… Read more »