Tag Archives: butanews

A pre-Autumnal Reitaisai 10 update + Utau Namahousou nostalgia

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Oh, hello! I have been super super depressed and demotivated lately, but now I feel better. I may come back to write articles after Reitaisai, but right now I have some other priorities. Last week I published a review for Acoustic Gakkyokushuu 1 and 2, so give it a read if you are interested! Utau Namahousou 10th anniversary On this… Read more »

Kouroumu, live news, and ???

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First of all, give some positive thoughts to my Kyoto Hifuu package. Although this time it was shipped with the faster EMS option, I still didn’t receive it. Please don’t be lost in the abyss, there is very rare merch inside, and also new friends! *checks the tracking right before publishing this post* Oh, it finally arrived in Italy! Gotta… Read more »

Daihinmin vs Daifugou is in two days (tomorrow)!

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This long awaited live is coming this Saturday! At Shibuya’s Take off 7 :thejarAAAAAAAAAAAA: Tickets (no streaming) are still available here, but you can also buy them at the venue. Ane hopes many people can go, since it’s gonna be a concept live with a very unique setlist. And In the latest Radio post, the sisters said that they would… Read more »

BOOTH summer sale! DaiVS radio! Upcoming stuff!

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The BUTAOTOME BOOTH is currently having a 50% sale on some old merch! They also added a few old t-shirts back in stock, such as this favorite of mine. (they also added the Hifuu t-shirt from the Kyoto event earlier this month buuuuuuuuuuut it’s sold-out already) Take this opportunity to buy something nice! In preparation for the upcoming Daihinmin VS… Read more »

Oshira Asobi is finally here!

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Hi! How’s going for you? The Teal Mask DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been released and I’ve already completed it (story and Dex) :musedeadinside: But let’s move on to relevant stuff… After a long odyssey, I finally received my C102 package! Yesterday I devoted myself to Oshira Asobi, and I can finally bring you my translation of the… Read more »

Hey, Touhou 19 is good

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Oh hi! First of all, I haven’t been doing much Buta stuff lately… I’m mostly focusing on other side projects. I’m still waiting for my copy of Oshira Asobi to arrive (it’s already at Big in Japan’s warehouse, I’m waiting for other albums to arrive there so I can finally ship everything), so it will take a while before I… Read more »

Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost livestream recap

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There was a Touhou Danmaku Kagura livestream today! Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost, remake of the mobile game Touhou Danmaku Kagura, will be released on Steam on February 8th! The Switch version is still TBA. Available languages are Japanese, English, and Chinese. Prices will be 3960 yen for the base game, and 9980 yen for the deluxe editions (includes DLCs… Read more »

Tiramisu Cowboy’s “Hi, every Buta song is translated” update

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You know, ever since COVID happened, I feel like there has been a severe lack of constant news, you probably have noticed that I skipped recaps multiple times. I’m unsure if I’m getting old or if there is truly a lack of exciting news. So… let’s try to write a round-up! Reitaisai went fine, next event is Touhou Meikasai on… Read more »

One Week BUTAOTOME 222: Reitaisai 20 is next week (+ April 2023 doujin package pseudo-review)

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I’m considering permanently moving the weekly recap to Sunday… Anyway, April is over, and we have plenty of news! Reitaisai 20 Reitaisai 20 is next week, and BUTAOTOME will bring a best of and more song logo keychains! More info here. Due to the only new release being a best of with zero new content, I’ve already published my review!… Read more »