Tag Archives: butaotome
Pink Tour in Tokyo – setlist
Gekkayo – Oriental Yumekikou review and Machibito wa Kozu. music sheet [November 2011]

Gekkayo was a very old music magazine that had some doujin/internet culture-related content. It’s currently dead, so your only way to get copies is through second-hand shops. The Novemeber 2011 issue had a review of Oriental Yumekikou from Comp and a music sheet for Machibito wa Kozu., and here they are! Special thanks to Merami fan for sending me the… Read more »
Pink tour in Fukuoka – setlist
Can they post a proper post-live pic?
Delivering an update…

So, hello? It’s been a while! The Persona brain rot is going super strong – I’m currently playing 2 (cleared Innocent Sin, so now it’s Eternal Punishment time), and also consuming a lot of extra material related to 5. A certain detective has been living rent-free in my brain, in a way I probably never felt with other characters. Congratulations… Read more »
Pink tour in Niigata – setlist
:insert live pic here: Hey, this is a pretty good one!
Pink tour in Sendai – setlist
:placeholder for post-live pic: :insert something here:
Otome Hakusetsuki – setlist
Za-ButaNingen Monster
Pink tour in Sapporo – setlist
This was BUTAOTOME’s first full live in Sapporo, so the setlist was packed! Or so they said.