Tag Archives: butaotome

A post-Switzerland update

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BUTAOTOME at Japan Impact Anyone who attended Japan Impact in Switzerland last weekend? None of my friends was there, and neither was any Japanese fan (and since Buta didn’t post the setlists, that part of the fanbase was desperate to know them). So… Behold! Here they are! Special thanks to Batatao who sent them to me! Day 1: Day 2:… Read more »

Happy Birthday to Ranko! (2024) – an analysis on Tamashii Asobi’s lyrics

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It’s Ranko’s birthday!! Happy birthday 💜💜💜 This might be easily treated as a sequel to last year’s post. BUTAOTOME’s latest album features a song that entered in my top 10 Ranko lyrics: Tamashii Asobi. I have a lot to say about the lyrics of this song, and today I want to give them a deep (…) analysis. Disclaimer: the following… Read more »

Itoyuyushi – review

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Wewh, finally I can bring you this review! Ghostly Field Club & Perfect Cherry Blossom 20th anniversary album featuring the songs “Dontohare” and “Kaze ga Fuitara” from our picture book series. You may want to read the pre-release commentary for some more context. Concept There is really nothing else to say, it’s a Perfect Cherry Blossom + Ghostly Field Club… Read more »

Back from the holiday with news and translations!

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Aaaand I’m back! During these past weeks I got Covid, so me and my boyfriend’s plans were fucked. No Venice and Verona for us… Still, we spent some great moments together, and the new original songs were the cherry on top! Now I’m back working on stuff in all my fields, but I’m also addicted to a certain game that… Read more »

“Went through celebration + PV talks” [Fanbox blog post, 03/02/2024]

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Original post [free to read] Ane here.My birthday was on the 1st and it was celebrated in various places.Thank you. By various places, I mean the Twitter hashtag #ランコの姉生誕祭, the replies to the post on the official account, DMs on Instagram, replies on BlueSky, LINE, etc. as I don’t have my own account now…In recent years, I have been only… Read more »

“Obake no Sakurazome & Itoyuyushi work talk” [Fanbox blog post, 29/01/2024]

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Original post [free to read] A bit late, but here is a translation of a blog post where Ane talked about the newest Yuyuko-centered releases! Ane here.Although it’s been hectic since the end of the year, it feels like things have settled down a bit. Is it for real…? I’m doing it now because I thought some content was too… Read more »

Happy Birthday to Ranko no Ane! (2024) – top 5 album cover/designs

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Happy birthday to the best pink bunny! This year’s birthday posts won’t have a specific theme that is common to everyone, but they will be still about something that is related to the celebrated member. I think one of the strongest points of BUTAOTOME is how they have their own illustrator. Ane has a recognizable style, but she can be… Read more »