Welcome back to the review corner! Before starting, I would like to say something: I’m not one who usually begs for likes, shares and all that shit, but I would appreciate if, at least this time, you do something more than reading/skimming through and closing the tab. I spend a lot of time on Tiramisu Cowboy, and even though I’m… Read more »
There was no livestream today! TC Crew Theater 44 I got my Reitaisai stuff today! Outcast’s lyrics are already up, while I’ll transcribe Daihinmin’s tracks in the evening. The review will come during the weekend! Other than that… There is almost nothing this week. For the interested people, here is the setlist from the Connect Kabukichou Festival: 1. Gensou no… Read more »
Post revised on November 24, 2020. This post has been (almost entirely) retranslated. I’ve also included the parts of the original post that were not relevant to the Majotachi no Ongakushitsu and Daihinmin commentaries. Good evening, Ranko here.It’s May~~~It was said to be as hot as summer during Golden Week, but it’s been cold recently for the first time in… Read more »
As usual, when there is a new BUTAOTOME album, it’s used as BGM for the weekly livestream and I don’t want to first listen to it with Pap and Comp talking above. Luckily the second half of the streaming had Majotachi no Ongakushitsu, so it wasn’t a problem for me! Reitaisai went fine and the new albums are out! I’m… Read more »
The PV for Solid, first track of Daihinmin, has been uploaded! This is a short version. The full version will be published on a later date. The video is made by 駿 with Sis’ arts and it was supervisioned by Chisei The PV has also lyrics and I’ve transcribed them! Tiramisu’s page
Due to some mistakes, those who will buy the new albums at Reitaisai won’t get a clear file. Instead, the Sis prepared a set of five postcards, with album arts! 1. How a debtor apologizes (BUTAOTOME sisters) 2. Worst sisters (Shion and Joon) 3. Daihinmin Shion cover art 4. Marisa in the witch’s working place 5. Majotachi no Ongakushitsu And… Read more »
Today’s livestream had just Comp. It seems Paprika has still some toothache. Get well soon! The most important news of the week is the announcement of the Reitaisai albums! Daihinmin, Majotachi no Ongakushitsu and Touhou Peace. Click on the links for more informations! Also, XFDs have been uploaded on Youtube! Daihinmin | Majotachi. There will be also a music video… Read more »
So, Reitaisai is this weekend! As usual, here is the list of album with BUTAOTOME’s guest participations! Before starting, let me do a random musing: there is this recent trend of releasing albums containing covers and remixes of the same song, and you can see two of those in this list. I call this type of album “Endless of :song… Read more »
Main pageAnd here are the two new albums to be released at next week’s Reitaisai! Daihinmin (大貧民) is a Antinomy of Common Flowers-based album. Wait… no Paprika-arranged track?! Also, the official website says that there is a MV coming in the next days! Website 1. ソリッド | Solid [Koyoi wa Hyouitsu na Egoist ~ Egoistic Flowers] 2. 過密世帯メサイヤ | Kamitsu… Read more »
No livestream for this week! TC Crew Theater 41 Yesterday, Comp and Paprika were in a livestream with ZUN and other people. I didn’t follow it, when I checked while it was ongoing there was Beatmario singing Gensou no Satellite and my soul died. Anyway, I was browsing Weibo and I found out, thanks to someone who posted a screen,… Read more »